Thursday, March 26, 2009

Not Surprising at All - Buh-bye Sarver!

Well, tonight Michael Sarver was predictably sent home. I can't believe the judges were actually arguing more over HIM than they did Alexis last week! To give him props - he did sound a thousand times better this week - but still not good enough. Besides, the judges are hoarding their "save" for Danny or Adam! So, buh-bye Michael. Of course, that was the last 4 minutes of the show.

The rest of the show was interesting. Danny was back to his regular look; and all were safe that I thought would be except for Matt! I'm not Matt's biggest fan, but even had him that's really weird for me that he could've been sent home. I think the judges might have rescued him though if that happened.

Smokey sang a song with another chick that was NOT good. I loved his solos, but she was terribly out of tune.

Stevie Wonder appeared at the piano and the hootin' and hollerin' began - mostly from the Idol contestants! Everyone was excited that Stevie was in the house, and he just sounded outstanding. His voice is a jewel.

So, that's it...we're down to 9. Who will go next week? Before they even sing I predict it'll be Matt (unless his fan club gets going). The male vote is split so many ways, and I think Kris and Danny split votes with Matt. Can't wait for Tuesday!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Another Idol Kind of Day....

Tonight we have another fan-tabulous Idol performance night. Last week I was in Florida and couldn't do a recap (not that anyone reads my recaps anyway!) but I'm back on track. Last week my fave Adam just TORE UP the Ring of Fire. At first listen I didn't like it, but after listening to it a few more times it really grew on me. Amazing sound and range. It's TOTALLY Adam.

The judges "almost" used their save on Alexis, but "Jolene" was awful, and I suppose they're saving it for Danny or Adam. I was bummed that Alexis was booted - she did NOT do a good job on "Jolene", but Michael Sarver does not belong on the tour. Last week he mumbled through Garth Brook's "Ain't Goin' Down ('til the sun comes up)" and was just awful. He had to slow it down to try to fit the words in and it showed that he had to work way too hard. He has so much tension in his singing and his face, which affects his tone tremendously. If he'd relax his jaw he might gain a better tone and enunciate better. Can't believe he gets to go on tour.

This week is "Motown Week". Usually there are some good performances with this theme (unlike Country week!) so I'm looking forward to it.

First up is Matt who sang "Let's Get it On". It was ok - Smokey was kind to him. It sounded a bit generic and as Simon would say, "karaoke". Of course, the judges gush over him. Simon calls him "brilliant" and a "front runner". Ugh. He sang in key - but he's just simply not my fave.

Next up, Kris. Of course, my kids boondoggle my time; I started trying to get their movie up on the LCD tv (from computer) at 6:45...and at 7:20 still having problems! Some Idol night it'd be nice if I could just not be interrupted a gazillion times.

Ok, back to Kris - eh. Or Meh. It sounded good, but it always bothers me that he practically dislocates his jaw several times during his performance. That's so distracting and shows a lot of tension. He really needs to stand in front of a mirror and sing (something we did in music school). It shows you what bad habits you're building up and work to eliminate them. Simon said he needs to stand like a star and "not like he's at a bus stop" LOL.

Blind Scott sang, "You Can't Hurry Love". I liked his performance and how he changed it up. Good job! OMG, Paula is making sense and making musical comments! Uh-oh, Simon didn't like it - "honky tonk piano" & "cheap". He's trying to dig a ditch and kick poor Scott into it. Uh-oh, Randy agrees with him. Kara said he brought "tempo"...I believe she means "up tempo"? Duh.

Best moment so far; Simon kept interrupting Paula and she reached under the desk and whipped out a coloring book and a box of 64 crayons and told him to keep his six year old insults to himself....something like that. Cracked me up!

Megan sings, "For Once in My Life". I hate her green striped top...oh gosh, and I hate her dress and that huge distracting tattoo. She pushes through "me" and lose her breath support again. Very breathy on "true". She's flinging her hips in her little Megan ditsy dance...ewww. There were parts that I liked, but not my fave (I liked her "Put the Records On"). Randy thought it was a train wreck. Kara suggested "My Guy"...oooh, that would've been great for her! Oh gosh, Simon rips her a new one. I almost feel sorry for her!

They've had a commercial in-between EACH performer!! Good thing I can read the news, cut my nails, feed the dog and other various sundry things on these long breaks.

Anoop is up with "Oooh Baby Baby". He started out a bit rough - he's not supporting his breath by sitting hunched over. His falsetto on "baby baby" is too thin and reedy. Then he moves through the mask in his face and the sound is like a different singer - that's it Anoop! He slowed it down a bit too much, but overall it was a good performance. Kara called it a "skill set"...way to go in the engineering talk! ha ha They want him to go back to up tempo - but does he have another one in his pocket like "My Prerogative"? Oh, and could someone wax his eyebrows a bit?

Oh no...Sarver after the break. I need to come up with a nick-name..."Sarver-who-doesn't-belong-in-the-top-ten". Ok, that's way too long...

My hubby came in and tried to talk to me too - I told him I'd talk to him at 9 and he got mad at me. Is it a crime to not want to be interrupted?

We find out he didn't make the trip to Detroit. He sings, "Ain't Too Proud to Beg" Again he tightens up the outside corners of his mouth and his jaw. Smokey tells him he basically needs to sing out - and he doesn't. LOL...Paula calls it "Las Vegas loungy". Simon hated it. Hopefully he'll be gone this week, but I wish we could bring Alexis back in his place!

Next up is Lil Rounds. We just saw her for a moment...I love her flapper dress! So far we've had some very lackluster - and a few ick performances. C'mon us!

Lil sings "Heatwave". This is the first outfit that has flattered her figure. Don't like the hair - but ok, can't have everything! She winds up shouting quite a bit through the song - as if she is singing without a mike and hopes they hear her in the back of the auditorium. Pretty good - and very true to the original. Maybe too copy-cat. Oh gosh, Kara said pretty much what I was thinking. Paula is on something again - oh wait, she said that she didn't change anything in the song, but somehow she "owned" it? Simon called her authentic, but should've picked "Heard it Through the Grapevine".

Oh my gosh - they just showed Adam pre-commercial, and he looked like Zac Effron! LOL...I heard he's going to sit on a stool and sing. Obviously he's not going glam or over-the-top, so this oughta be good. He needs to give a more mainstream performance at this point. Even though I loved last weeks performance, I doubt most of America did.

Uh-oh...we get just the Fox logo! Don't pre-empt my Adam! AAAAAARGH! What's he doing...stripping? LOL I hope they don't cut his performance out.

Oh goody! He's on! I loved Smokey's description of why it's called "Tracks of My Tears" and I think he scared Adam when he noted that Adam sings it softly throughout - Adam seemed to at first think it was a criticism...but then realized it wasn't and was relieved. Adam performs it with an acoustic guitar, a drum and the string bass. It was beautiful, but wasn't my favorite song of Adam's. Still, he was the BEST one of the night. Smokey stood up and gave the thumbs up sign. Kara stood up. Simon disagrees with Kara to say it was THE best performance of the night. Simon mentioned how he took off the black nail polish and "straightened up" ha ha - but I wish he would've taken out those button earrings. He then would've looked more like a straight guy. I liked how Randy said he used "everything in his arsenal". True, how true - he is a real artist. I'm sure he'd never put this on an album, but it shows how talented he is in arranging and performing a totally new version of an age-old favorite. They must be running behind because Ryan just says they have nothing more to say and goes to commercial.

Next up, Hokey-Gokey. I didn't make that one up, but I like it. He sings, "Get Ready". Halfway through this song I think, "Wow...this is a great song choice for him". He screeches through a bit of it, but I actually enjoyed it a bit. Oh no! He makes the background singers do those circles with the hands....NOOOOO! Paula admits they have to move fast. Simon called it clumsy and amateurish. Wow...hard to believe I liked it better than the judges! Huh, better check my temperature.

Last up is Allison - she is going to sing, "Papa Was a Rolling Stone". Of course, I think of David Hernandez (the gay stripper) from last season - he actually did a good job with this. Since Allison is in the pimp spot - I'd bet that she will slay this....after the break, of course.

Even her speaking voice sounds as if she smokes several packs of cigarettes a day. Who dressed her tonight? It's as if someone went into her closet and threw random items out and said, "Wear THIS!". Sometimes as she sings she jumps ahead of the musicians, but overall it was a very good performance (which is why she's last!). Kara lept up and encouraged the audience to clap and scream. She said, "That is from "God". Simon drew a mustache on Paula's face.

So, who will go? I predict it'll be Michael Sarver (but then I thought he should've gone last week). Hopefully he's not the "Scotty the Body" of Season 8.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Throw Your Cash Into the Street Before You Spend It to See "The Watchmen"

This movie is violent. So many people have said that. But you just can't understand the level of violence this movie brings unless you've seen it - or fought in a world war. Seriously. With a big blue looking alien dude (Dr. Manhatten) and his alien-looking penis swaggering around in almost every scene; frankly I'm surprised the director didn't use the blue penis to crush people for added shock value.

This movie was so gosh-awful violent, I nearly puked. I wanted to walk out at about 15 minutes into it, and my husband kindly said we could go to the comedy next door, but he had waited so long for it to come out, I couldn't make him leave. So I decided to tough it out.

We both were sorry we did. If THIS kind of movie violence is what people like - there is something disturbingly wrong with people. I had to cover my eyes for much of the graphic nonsense, which really - the story could've been told without it. I know the graphic novel purists would say "No", but as an outsider it just would've been a better film without having to close my eyes every few minutes.

Unbelievably some idiot brought his children. I'm a mom to four children, and never would bring kids without reading reviews on - but whatever. It's "R" rated - what was he thinking? I hope to God he took them out once the gratuitous, insane violence began - which was at the beginning, so I hope they left as soon as it started. I can't imagine what kind of nightmares my kids would have after seeing that - heck, I may have a few tonight.

AVOID this movie at all costs. Save your money. Or just go out on the street and toss it down a grate. Either choice would be better than sitting through this dreck.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Tell me Something GOOOOD!

This is the Wildcard Show. Woohoo.

Jesse promises to show off her two note range with "Tell Me Something Good". Nope. Doesn't do it for me. Not much range. Meh. I kept find myself wondering if the front row could see up her skirt it was so short. That's not a good thing for me to be wondering when someone is SINGING. (rolling eyes). Better than "Bette Davis Eyes"? Huh. NOT SAFE.

Matt Giraud "Who's Loving You" by Jackson 5. I've gotta say I'v'e never heard this one before. Not my fave performance. Bluesy-soulful Matt? I dunno - he seems still too white bread. He's no Elliot Yamin. The girls are praising him - I have a feeling Simon will trash him. Hmmm..Simon loved the song, then accused him of bits of "Taylor Hicks". Har har! NOT SAFE.

How many seconds are they allowing them to sing? I'm going to time the next one...

Next are Megan and Von...after the break. I have high hopes for Megan - will she fulfill them?

Couldn't time Megan - 'cause the darn dog wanted to be put out.

Oh gosh, did Megan ever go flat on "me" at the end of the phrase "you're not the one for me". Ugh. She's singing "Black Horse and the Cherry Tree" that Kat McPhee did. Ugh. Last note was awful too. I had such high hopes. Oh dear - Paula talking about "Joy" and picking the right song....but not LIKING it. Simon says he still likes her. "Not the best vocal we're going to here, but so what you're fantastic". I guess they have her on the "GO THROUGH" list. SAFE.

Von - "Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word". Oh my gosh - he's butchering one of my all-time favorite songs. Where's my pillow to put over my head??? He bleeds out on the vowels like "sad". He makes scary faces when he sings. Ok, overall it wasn't THAT bad. Simon called him boring - uh oh. Gosh, even Randy said he lost his pitch. What doooog?? NOT SAFE.

The song was approx. a minute and 15 seconds. Let's see what the next contestant's legnth is....

Jasmine & Ricky after the break! So far, I think Megan is the only sure-thing to go through. Of course, I think that the judges had it picked before they ever performed, but since they're doing so crappy (well, they only had a DAY) they're making it easy to fail them. Why didn't they give them a week?

Jasmine: "Reflection". Her lower soft notes are not good - but this is a LOT better than the other song she did. A bit screamy at the end before the soft part. Again, Kat McPhee did this too. Randy thought it was too big for her - and that is how I think too. Simon thinks she may be back in the running. MAYBE WILL GO ON

Ricky: I was so disappointed when we lost Ricky before - hopefully he'll do well tonight. Oh gosh - "Superstitious". He's KILLING this song! As Kara said, "He can sing his butt off" and Simon said, "Good chops" but then later criticized him. MAYBE WILL GO ON

OH TATIANA GETTING THE PIMP SPOT? KILL ME NOW. We'll see - but they've had six singers - and I'll bet she'll go last. Oh thank the stars - she does NOT get the pimp spot!

Tatiana: I don't even want to talk about her, but I will. Maybe she'll fall off the stage and cry tonight? I can only hope. Her pre-sing interview sounds like she is high as a kite. She's in love with everyone and everything??? She's pouring on her accent - and "Thank you so much". Oh dear..."Saving All My Love for You". A Whitney song? NOOOOOO! Her last run was NOT good. Oh goody - let's see what the judges say. Paula says she never heard that accent before, then said she imitated what Jorge did. Power voice? WTF? Nah. You're wrong Paula. My cat can sing that better. Simon said, "You sung that three times? Told her it was rubbish that she couldn't clear another song. GOOD FOR YOU SIMON! Tats kept trying to talk over everyone - how rude. Kara said she had a new personality. "At least she's not crying and holding her heart". Simon quipped, "She will". LOL Ryan made a faux-pas about "Don't get up for me"....har har. GOOO HOME BEE-ATCH!

ANOOP has the pimp spot! HOORAY! He's gonna sing "My Perogative". WOOHOO! That wasn't the best - but Simon says we need to put personality through and "Cast" this group. Simon quipped at the end he would've liked to have heard another song. It's so not fair to the kids though - 'cause if they truly didn't know if they were going to be singing today, they didn't have the Idol people to prep their songs for more than a few hours. What does he expect? SAFE

Ok, I think Anoop, Megan & Ricky will go through. Jasmine may trade out for Ricky, who I believe they think is "boring". Results after the break!

WTF??? JASMINE is in? Awww...Ricky didn't show enough personality? That's ridiculous. Megan and Tats are up. Megan is going through! She is crying by the judges stand? Was she trying to plead off of the microphone? Gosh, she's pitiful. Thank goodness they didn't pick her.

One more spot left - crossing fingers for Anoop. Looks like the show will run "over" again. My 'puter clock already shows 8 p.m.

Simon tells Jessie she "nearly did" and she almost jumped out of her skin thinking she would get through for a millisecond. Next Von is given the bad news.

It's down to Matt & Anoop. WHAAAAT? Matt made it through? WTF???? OMG....Simon said, "We make this a top 13." Anoop didn't get it at first - but then it hit him and his look was precious. Poor Anoop - he'd just congratulated Matt - and accepted defeat, then was handed this! I had even thought about it myself this season - but was shocked they actually put it in place.

So there you have it...Jasmine, Megan, Matt and Anoop. I picked two outta three! Good choices.

See you next Tuesday! Gonna go through Idol withdrawal now.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

THIS is American Idol RESULTS!!! Group 3

Oh we are for another American Idol results show - where the results are never fiddled with (uh....yea, RIGHT).

My first thought is - why do they have those stools of discomfort up there? Those are the most awful stools - they're uncomfortable looking and unattractive, and they've used them for years. Is Idol too cheap to get better looking stools? Probably.

I love Lil Rounds - but she needs a stylist FAST. Today she looks so top heavy - that top and tights combo is not flattering.

Next is the group sing - "Hot & Cold" (or whatever). It was ok. I was wondering how they'd work in blind guy - ok, they make everyone SIT. Ugh. Alex looked like a fish out of water and obviously didn't know his lyrics. He knows he's heading home.

Up next - a surprise audition? Oh goody - another past Idol coming back?

Oh threw up on the floor - a brief intermission.

1st chair is given to Lil Rounds - big surprise? Not...but I love this girl. She's got those Bugs Bunny teeth; didn't like her song - but I love her tone.

Next Ryan picks the five people in the front row, and says just one will go through. Since Scott is one of them - I'm guessing it's him. We'll hear AFTER THE BREAK. Argh.

WOOHOO...Scott is through. He seems like the sweetest guy. I don't think he's the best singer though. He drifts off key but has some nice moments. It's nice they let him stand center stage with Ryan - no embarassing "lead over" to the stool of deliverance. Only one stool to go!

They stand up Nate and Kristen next. I say to myself - "They're canon fodder - out they go!". Nate looks dejected before Ryan even tells him - he knows. Of course, I was right - they were NOT through....yeah!

Von & Felicia. Von's hair standing up in a pointy manner looks like Spanky! A "no" for both of them.

Looks like it's either Ju'not or Jorge...just as I predicted. I'd be happier with Jorge. Ju'not is cool too. I hope either would be back in the wildcard show....oh, the suspense is killing me (LOL). They'll find out right now? What Ryan?

JORGE GOES THROUGH! AWESOME! Simon looks totally disgusted and bored.

Now to the wildcards. Ryan says the judges didn't know who would go through tonight - yeah, right. It's so rigged - do you really expect us to believe that? They brought back a BUNCH of people - I didn't count to see if it was everyone from the previous groups, but it looks as if they're all there up in the balcony/dance area.

Von, Jasmine, Ricky, Megan

Next after the break - we get four more.

Tatiana???? OMG.....NOOOOOOO! EWWW...WHAT THE HECK IS THAT DRESS??? People are laughing at her bawling. She thanks the whole world. Ugh (rolling eyes). VFTW must be having a ticker-tape parade.

Matt Giraud! Oh, I know someone who will be happy! He's good - so that's a good choice.

Last minute change - hmmm. Jessie! WOOHOO! I think they picked on her so much when she sang before. Hopefully she'll get a fair shake tomorrow.

OH NO! One left! Who could it be??? Simon says they're likable and talented....ANOOP! YEAH! Love this guy!

Oh man....Ju'not did not get through (pouts). Felicia didn't get through. I wonder if they traded Tats for Felicia? I can't believe she's taken the place of someone who actually DESERVES to be there. I would switch Von for Ju'not in a heartbeat. Ugh. Bad choice judges!

Of course - these 8 aren't guaranteed a seat - there's only three left.

They ran long tonight so they cut Jorge short. Meanies.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Idol Group - Week 3 It's All or Nothing Baaaaby!

WOOHOO! Another fun night on Idol. I have a love/hate with this format of kicking the kids off the show...but oh well.

First we have
Von Smith - "You're All I Need to Get By". Ok, before I comment on his singing, does anyone get scared when Von opens his mouth? His eyebrows go angular and he just looks SCAAARY. It's so distracting. So NOT like Clay! His singing surprised me - if I closed my eyes I liked parts of it. I hope Von doesn't make it through though - I couldn't watch that week to week.

Taylor Vaifanua - "If I Can't Have You". It was SUCH a train wreck! It seemed to me as if she veered off course immediately - she definitely ran ahead of the musicians, probably due to nerves. Her "liberties" with this ABBA song weren't just liberties - she changed the melody so much it was practically unrecognizable. No doubt she has a good voice - but that was awful. Probably will get cut. The judges were harsh - but it was true.

Alex Wagner-Trugman - "I Guess That's Why They Call it the Blues" Oh gosh - where do I start. He was so nervous, and I understand that - but he is definitely out of his league. Too shy and too frankly untalented to continue on. Probably a nice kid though. Very poorly sung.

Arianna Afsar - "The Winner Takes it All". I probably could blame a lot of this particular train wreck on the arrangement, which to a certain point I don't think the singer has much to do with. The song arrangement was awful - then it ended abruptly - probably like her singing career on Idol.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE GUYS/GIRLS? This is the the ONLY chance to go through for most of them - and they're tossing it aside. So far VON is looking good? Oh gosh, we're in trouble.

Ju'not Joyner - "Hey There Delilah". I like this guy. He's a smooth operator. Like him....hope he goes through. He's stuck in the middle - could easily get forgotten and not voted for....gosh, hope not.

Kristen McNamara - "Give Me One Reason". I don't really have a reason to vote for her other than I think she has potential. Didn't like her rendition at all. The judges are praising this girl - I think - because they have heard a load of crap tonight, so she shines like a STAR. Randy was right on target when he said she did too much with it.

Nathaniel Marshall - "I Would Do Anything for Love". Much like Normund, I didn't want this guy to go through. I think he went through for the dramatic element and total gayity he brought - not for his mad singing skills. I would do anything not to listen to him again. Thank goodness the people that get voted off from the show don't get to sing this year (the only thing I like about this format). He's so fake. Can't stand those piercings. Meatloaf? Really? Meatloaf can do Meatloaf - not this poser. Oh my - the pointy finger of death! He's pointing at the audience! Ugh! He was mostly on pitch - but it was still awful. Simon goes first; says it was verging on excruciating. WOOHOO! Simon!

Felicia Barton - "No One" She sounds like a professional. Her voice breaks on the first "no one" and some times she seems to force her sound far too harshly, but she can work on this. Her raspy soulful voice is just awesome. She was very, VERY good and I hope she goes through.

Blind Guy (aka
Scott MacIntyre). "Mandolin Rain" Very good. A bit creepy looking, but very good. Simon said he's growing on him and would be amazed if he doesn't sail through.

We have seen Lil Rounds yet- guess she's due for the pimp spot (as I suspected).

Kendall Beard- "This One's for the Girl's". She's a pretty l'il thing - oh and for what it's worth, I don't want to see her dad do the crocodile or alligator thing again. Really. I want to like her - at points she sings pretty well. Some times she falls REALLY flat. So far she's my favorite girl even with her pitch issues. I don't think those issues will go away - probably not nerves as Randy said. Guess only time will tell!

They announce that Jorge will be next after the break - so I was right - Lil Rounds will be in the pimp spot. This show is so predictable!

Jorge Nunez - "Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me". Now Clay did this song better (IMHO) than Elton John - so this guy is going to have to be DARN good to make me like him. I have to say he has definitely worked out his language barrier problems - I only noticed a touch of accent in there. Ok, he didn't out-do Clay or Elton, but that was a totally respectable version. Very on pitch and a very good singer. Not sure he'll get through - unless Puerto Rico gets on the phone and votes their fingers off. Oh gosh, he's crying at Kara's comments. He's so cute. Maybe I'm wrong - hopefully he has a big fan club that I don't know about. Still think the blind guy will get more pity votes.

Lil Rounds - She has three, she looks great! I should vote for her just for that (although that dress is not complimentary to her rear view - simply too tight for that kind of figure). Ok, I hated the song. Still, she has some mad skills - and should go through. Simon complained she sounded too much like the original - I didn't know the song, so ....whatever. Fantasia meets Mary J. Blige? I agree.

Who I think should go through (talent-wise): Top Guy - Jorge. Top Girl - Lil Rounds. Second top highest votes - blind guy Scott or possibly Ju'not.

Who I think will go through - Von (huge fan base); Lil Rounds (lots of pre-show pimping and had the pimp spot - and was brilliant to boot) and blind guy Scott.

Hopefully I'm wrong! We'll see tomorrow night!